How CRM will benefit your business during COVID-19!

Category : CRM
Blog posted by : Admin / 03 Sep, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has rearranged the entire world in a way that has dictated fundamental changes in the way customer relationship is taken care of, whether it is for large enterprises or CRM for small business. Business is not the same as it used to be during pre-COVID times, and operating them also has to change if businesses want to succeed. This calls for changes in various elements of the business, and one of them is CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Here are a few ways in which CRM will be crucial in determining the success of businesses.


1. The relationship factor (Evolve to survive):


It is always important to remember what drives any business, and it is always relationships. Customers will only value a business as much as a business will value its relationships with its customers. Hence, in times of a pandemic like this which has tremendously limited interaction between people, it is important to focus on how you interact with your customers and evolve according to the new environment. This includes everything from initial contact with a prospective customer to sustainable customer service. Using CRM systems that have advanced information analytics, businesses can classify customers based on their buying behaviour, demographics, and other factors and develop better customer relations. In a lockdown, when people are stuck at home and people are looking for time to kill, it might be the best time to invite your customers to fill out forms to understand them and their needs better so you can better serve them.


2. Strengthening existing relationship:


With the pandemic situation having shuffled the deck, this might not be the best time to execute risky strategies. But one strategy that makes perfect sense even in these times especially CRM for small business, is to strengthen relationships with existing customers. Your loyal client base is one of your most important assets, and it extremely important to constantly strengthen your relationship with them. By interacting with them even more during this lockdown period, you will be able to learn more about them and about how you can serve them better and increase your business with them. As a lot of operations that were otherwise functional will be on hiatus during this period, this time can be utilised in this activity. Recognising a VIP client base and maintaining a more regular and personalised communication channel with them will also yield great benefits.


3. Be proactive rather than reactive:


It is not enough to deal with situations as they arise, rather businesses will have to start foreseeing changes and prepare for them. CRM and ERP system will play a big role in this. Market research is a great way of recognising trends and foreseeing what changes need to be made in order to keep up. But Big Data along with real-time information analytics will add a great deal of value from inside your own business that will help in foreseeing changes in customer behaviour and proactively preparing for it.


4. Mass communications:


Advanced CRM software with integrated IVR, mass mailing capabilities and complete digital media integration will be the most useful in these times. These solutions will yield great value during such times, as people will be consuming more content, and businesses themselves will also have more time to invest in creating and distributing content. This will also greatly increase interaction with prospective customers.


Content marketing has already become pretty much the most important factor in determining success in the business world. With the lockdown, when content consumption has greatly increased, this will further increase the power of content marketing. When considering CRM for small business, simply increasing the amount of content that businesses put out will have a huge bearing on success.


We hope you too improve your relationships with your customers and grow your business during these trying times. We also invite you to check out our products on

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