WebForm Creation
Steps to create a webform
1. Go to ERP Admin -> Web Forms. 2. Select module name e.g. Accounts Payable. 3. Select Form name e.g. Petty Cash, on selection below table is shown. 4. Enter web form name e.g. Petty Cash or Petty Cash1. note : do not use any special characters in form name. 5. Select validity period. Webform access will be available till the following date e.g. 31/12/2020. If needed for long term then select a future date e.g. 31/12/2500. 6. Enter. Success response message will display on successful saving of record and error response message will display if an error occured while saving the record. 7. Select the fields you want in your webform. To select fields click Ctrl + left mouse click for Windows. For Mac, click Command (or Cmd)⌘ + left mouse click on table rows. As you click, the following rows will get highlighted.8. On selection of DCOMBO, ADCOMBO, MDCOMBO, COMBO user has options to either show field as textfield or as dropdown. Following images represent the selection of defined fieldtype modal popsup where creator has two option buttons shown as input field or as a dropdown. By clicking on input field button field23189 will be shown as textfield in webform.
or will be shown as dropdown where creator has to input option value and option text will be shown in dropdown in webform. Option text can be changed. It is just for viewing purpose.
9. After selecting desired fields click on the generate list button which will show your selected fields. Below you can see two buttons generated- html and edit selected.
10. You can edit selected fields, and reselect the fields. 11. Clicking on generate HTML will generate an HTML file. Which can be accessed by clicking on the view HTML button or you can even download the HTML file via download HTML button.
Advanced Features
"Check captcha" is an optional feature where the user has to enter the captcha for submission of the webform data. This feature will stop bot from submitting the web form data. Following images represent the time of creation of webform. Select add Captcha and generate the webform. The next image represents I'm not a bot checkbox with captcha in created webform.![]()
OTP Check
This feature works on the call field of a webform where the user has to select the call field from the displayed table list. This feature will ask the user before filling the webform. A user is will be asked to enter a mobile number on which OTP is sent. After entering the OTP the webform will be displayed. Following images displayed at the time of creating webform. Select OTP. Check with call fieldtype from table and generate the webform. The next image represents send otp to vendor mobile number for verification in created webform.![]()
Check "is wizard" is optional. it helps you create multiple forms in a single page. You have to create a child webform before parent webform. If is wizard is selected then you have to select child page name from existing webforms in Select Wizard Name and Wizard Sequence is used to sequence the pages and Wizard Column Mappings is optional. If you want certain data to be fetched from one form to another form e.g. $("#field456”).val($("#field123”).val()); In the the defined example field456 is child webform field whereas field field123 is the parent form.