To check status mail SMS and auto Timer actions log

Sagar Chavan

2021-06-23 18:27:07

Step 1:
To check timer actions runs on which forms

tail -n 100000000 catalina.out | grep -A100 "305 Running auto timer schedule in Status Mail SMS at Every Hour at"  | grep "57 dbsync size=="

Step 2:

tail -n 100000000 catalina.out | grep -A10000 "${(Add line from which you want to see log from first command output)}"

Ex: tail -n 10000000 catalina.out | grep -A100000 "AUTO==simpoloceramics==2021-06-10 17:00:23.564==305 Running auto timer schedule in Status Mail SMS at Every Hour at Thu Jun 10 17:00:23 IST 2021"

Step 3:

tail -n 1000000 catalina.out | grep "FOR FUNCTION"

To check SAP Functions start and end date