Terms and Conditions in next line on selecting Multiple Terms Group Name

Abhishek Hawaldar

2023-01-21 15:36:57

 Consider the following SQL FORMAT:

NATIVE:select string_agg(a.column11607||':- '||E'(slash n) '||a.column11608,E' ') from t{Terms Master@@Purchase Management} as a where a.c{Terms Group Name} in ${Terms Group Name}

NOTE:-   E'(slash n)  represents Enter. It will bring the content to the next line.


For example, consider the following content and SQL format: 

PK TC:-   --------->          (select string_agg(a.column11607||':- '||E')

Material Need to provide before the date --------->     '||a.column11608,E'


It will be displayed as follows:

 But if the SQL FORMAT  is like this:

NATIVE:select string_agg(a.column11607||':- '||E''||a.column11608,E'') from t{Terms Master@@Purchase Management} as a where a.c{Terms Group Name} in ${Terms Group Name} 


THEN, it will not break to the next line.