Strip Chart and Chainage Wise DPR

Ashirwad Chavan

2024-07-17 11:04:12

Strip Chart & Chainage Wise DPR

Graphical Report Master

Access For this Form ERP Admin>>>Graphical Report Master

1.This form is Used for the define the Chainage & Road Layers for the Particular Project & Sub Project

2.We can define the Chainage & Layer of the Roads Project & Sub Project wise in Graphical road work Master.

3.Following is the demo example shown we can define the From Chainage & To Change Along with their Interval.Here we can Also define the Status Name as a LHS,Chainage & RHS Which is Based on the Sr No.

For Example 

Sr.No 01 LHS

1.1 Excavation

1.2 Sub Garde 

2 Chainage


3.1 Excavation

3.2Sub Garde

It means that 1.1,1.2 will come under the LHS 3.1,3.2 Will Come Under the RHS For Refere Please check below Image.

4.Activity Name will be Fletched from the Project WBS Activity we can link the Activity which will represent the Layer.Which is linked with DPR Need.

5.Description will be the same as per Status.

6.Form ID will Remain Same as per Image.

Graphical Road Work

This represents the current progress of that particular project chainage wise.

Access For this Form Client Management>>>Graphical Road Work

1.Work Progress is defined in 4 stages i.e Yet to Start, In Progress , Completed & Not Applicable. There is color defined to each stage as shown below.

2.The layer & Change is linked from the graphical report master & Work Progress is defined on the basis of DPR we can not modify the progress manually.

3.We are also provided with an option for changing the Orientation of the Strip chat Horizontal Chainage & Vertical Chainage for that we have to Click on Checkbox as shown in Above Image.

We are also Given the Print option to download the Progress in Excel Sheet.

Daily Progress Report

Access For this Form Project Engineering>>>Daily Progress Report

In this for we Added new fields for Chainages

1.LHS/RHS Drop down given for the Selection of Left Side or Right Side of Chainage.

2.Location : It is defined in the Graphical Report Master as a Status Field i.e Layer of Road.

Validation Used: If we Select Activity in DPR the location of that particular Activity will comes in drop down other location will not visible.

3.From Chainage & To Chainage

This Field is coming as per our From Chainage to To Chainage which already mentioned in the Graphical Report Master & Difference is as per our Chainage Interval.

Validation Used:

1.We can not use Repeated chainage if my Progress is On Completed State. System will not show that chainage in Drop Down.

2.If can not input manual chainage in From Chainage & To Chainage.

3.If My Progress status is In Progress System will Allow you to use the same chianage on Next Day on the same day this will show error for Overlap.

4.Actual From Chainage & Actual To Chainage

This field is used for actual Chainage Working that means My Form Chainage & To Chainage 100 to 200 but my work is done only in chainage 100 to 120. All Overlapping Conditions are Given in DPR Validation.

5.Actual Length Difference between Actual From Chainage & Actual To Chainage.

6.Width Input for Width of that Particular Patch.

7.Achieved For the Day Product of Actual Length X Depth x Width.


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