New Business Handover - Google Form Version

Aditi Jauhari

2024-07-09 20:21:18

Steps to Use the Google Form and Update ERP Form

Using the Google Form:

  1. Accessing the Google Form:

  2. Filling Out the Google Form:

    • Complete all the required fields in the Google Form accurately as per the responses of the clients.
    • Ensure all necessary information is entered before submitting the form.
  3. Submitting the Google Form:

    • Click on the "Submit" button at the end of the form once all fields are filled.
  4. Accessing the Responses Spreadsheet:

    • After submitting the form, access the Google Sheets where all the responses are recorded.
    • Click here to open the response sheet
    • This spreadsheet automatically records all responses in real-time as the responses are submitted.

Updating Responses in the ERP Form:

  1. Navigating to the Responses Spreadsheet:

    • Open the Google Sheets spreadsheet that captures the form responses.
  2. Locating the Relevant Response:

    • Identify the row corresponding to the latest entry or the entry that needs to be transferred to the ERP form.
  3. Copying Data from Google Sheets to ERP Form:

    • Select the relevant cells in the Google Sheets that contain the response data.
    • Copy paste the responses for each and every question from google sheet cells to the questions in the buisiness handover f
  4. Pasting Data into the ERP Form:

    • Navigate to the ERP form where the data needs to be updated.
    • Navigation steps are - Login into Leads Management -> New Business Handover -> Marketing Information.
    • Question 1. I would like to understand your process a bit better? Paste answers from - "What type of company is the client?" and "Explain their business process?"
    • Question 2.  What are the goals / aspirations for the business? Paste answers from - "What are the client's goals/aspirations for the business with this product?"
    • Question 3. What challenges are you facing in this meeting, any aspirations? What else? If we don’t get enough challenges, suggest some from your experience – do you face these too? Paste answers from - "What are the main challenges the client is facing? (Select up to 3)"
    • Question 3.  Once we have a list, ask them which are the top 3 challenges? Paste answers from - "What are the main challenges the client is facing? (Select up to 3)"
    • Question 4. What is the impact on the business of these 3 challenges? Paste answers from - "What is the impact of these challenges on the client's business? (Select up to 3 and mention "Monetary Terms" for selected in "other" box)"
    • Question 5. Why haven’t we done anything about this till now? What has changed now? Paste answers from - "Why hasn't the client addressed these challenges until now?" and "What changes have occurred that prompted the client to seek a solution now?"
    • Question 6. What would you like to see in our solution, which will tell you that your challenges will be removed? Paste answers from - "What would the client like to see in our solution that will address their challenges? (Select up to 2) "
    • Question 7. What is your timeframe you are looking for Implementation? Paste answers from - "What is the client's timeframe for implementation?"
    • Question 8. Commitment/Remarks if Any?  Paste answers from - "What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) the client will use to measure success?" and "Who will be the primary users of the product at the client’s end?" and 'What are the client's preferred communication channels for project updates?"