Keyboard Shortcut Keys
If you are on any editable field of a particular row in Dlist and you want to select that row then Press (Alt) + (Shift) + (S).
If you want to Add a row in Dlist then select any checkbox of that Dlist and then Press (Alt) + (+).
If you want to Remove a row in Dlist then select the checkbox of that row(i.e. The row you want to remove) and then Press (Alt) + (-).
If you want to Copy a row in Dlist then select the checkbox of that row(i.e. The row you want to copy) and then Press (Alt) + (C).
(Alt) + (P) to Get Print Options.
(Alt) + (Shift) + (E) to Edit the DList (selection of checkbox of that Dlist is a must).
(Alt) + (H) to view History.
(Alt) + (T) to open a New Tab.
(Alt) + (U) to Attach File.
(F3) Tutorial Videos.
(F7) To Import.
(Alt) + (1-5) To click the state button respectively on button name as shown sequence.