Financial Locking User wise


2022-08-17 20:16:39

Lock periods are an important part of the  reconciliation process to prevent the back dated entries in system. But in certain cases need to open the previous entries for adjustment purpose at the time of auditing. It should be on user wise for particular persons only can access the particular period.

Working Of Financial Locking In Strategic ERP.

 Open ERP Admin Module



  1.     Open Financial Locking Form and select company, period, User Name and Unlock Till Date if we want to unlock or lock userwise else keep the username as blank which will work for all the users 


In this selected user can only access the particular period and can make necessary entries and make changes in existing data







As per above images 1.1,1.2,1.3 we have switched to the user which is selected in financial locking form so for him its Unlock fy=1 thats means he can do the entries for that period.







As per above images 1.4,1.5,1.6 we have switched to the user which is not selected in financial locking form so for him its Unlock fy=0 thats means he cannot do the entries for that period.

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