GPS Tracking APP Documentation

Shubham Rai

2024-09-12 15:24:23

Step 1 : Module : GPS Tracking App :--> Employee Tracking Master

 1)  First select “ Employee Code “ :: 

      check if reporting manager is present or not 

2) If its in a new Device after login “ Device ID ” generate auto 

2) The reference below 'Remove the Generated Device ID' applies if the same user wishes to log in with a different device.


3) Ensure that there are no empty fields on the employee reporting manager.


Step 2 : Module : ERP Admin :--> Group Master 

  1.  Select all the given parameter 

  2.  Mandatory fields --> Group , User , Mobile No. , Email ID , Reporting Manager



Step 3 : Module : ERP Admin :-->  User Management

   1)  In below field --> “ Team Members “ If he comes under the reporting manager, then it is necessary to provide the reporting manager with the employee ID of their subordinates. 


   2) If it's an employee (subordinate), there's no requirement to give or choose data in that field.