Dashboard FAQ


2020-05-25 19:24:00

    List of Parameters supported in dashboard form and there usage

    1) labellimit :-
    This Parameter is used to limit the number of character's to be displayed from labelname ex:- labellimit=5
    2) legendlimit :-
    This Parameter is used to limit the number of character's to be displayed from legendname ex:- legendlimit=5
    3) multi :-
    This Paramter is used only for Numeric Chart Type. This Parameter is limit's number of blocks to show ex:- multi=4
    4) drilldown :-
    This Parameter takes drilldown chartname. You need to add this parameter is main table extra parameters.
    5) indMoney :-
    This Parameter is format amount in indian currency format. You need to pass columnname which you want to display in indian currency format. ex:- indMoney=Amount
    6) icon :-
    This Paramter is used only for Numeric Chart Type. Use this parameter to display icon inside numeric chart ex:- icon=bullhorn,bullhorn,bullhorn,bishop
    7) dateString :-
    Not Yet Configured
    8) limit :-
    Not Yet Configured
    9) filter :-
    Not Yet Configured
    10) total :-
    This Parameter is used to show addition of all numbers from particular column . You need to pass columnname which you want to total of. ex:- indMoney=total
    11) nameofcompany :-
    This Parameter is used to replace nameofcompany with company name selected by user from dropdown
    12) projectname :-
    This Parameter is used to replace projectname with project name selected by user from dropdown
    13) startdate :-
    This Parameter is used to replace startdate with startdate selected by user from date selector
    14) enddate :-
    This Parameter is used to replace projectname with enddate selected by user from date selector
    15) clickcolumn :-
    This Paramter is used only for table. You need to give column header as a value ex:- clickcolumn=Project_Name
    16) clickcolumn1 :-
    This Paramter is used only for table. You need to give column header as a value ex:- clickcolumn=Subproject_Name
    17) path :-
    This Paramter is used only for Mobile App Configration. This Parameter is used to specify path of JSP/HTML page which will rendered in mobile app
    18) height :-
    This Parameter is used to set Fixed height to particular chart
    19) ids :-
    This Parameter is used to specify ids that will get replaced by its respective values from SQL
    20) valuestring :-
    This Parameter is used to specify values that will replace ids from SQL

    List of Parameters used for dashboard in SQL and there usage

    1) $selectcolumn :- 
    This Parameter will get replaced by values coming from clickvalue parameter . Currently this parameter is supported for stack-bar chart type. 

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